Free Podcast Ideation Webinar...
You will walk away with action steps and we'll cover the following topics:
Concept ideas, themes, & topics
Podcast name and tagline
Podcast format
Podcast structure
Podcast style & branding
Content ideas
After this webinar, you should have a clearer vision for your podcast concept and feel ready to get to the next step: the creation and launch of your podcast!

Are you ready to...
Finally create your podcast but don't know where to start?
Ready to share your voice but need clarity on your podcast concept?
Wanting to make an impact but need help creating a unique concept?
Wanting to launch but keep getting lost in a see of information and ideas and need step-by-step guidance?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is just what you need!
Hola, I'm Jessie
I help fempreneurs build impactful brands.
I am a social entrepreneur, podcast host, speaker, and consultant. I designed this webinar because this is one of the most requested class topics I get on my DMs.
The truth is, there is just too much information out there and it can get overwhelming, I know because when I started my podcast, I did it alone and it cost me some mistakes. But thankfully I learned and my podcast ranked at the top of the New & Worthy category surpassing Oprah's Soul Sunday on launch week!
Why was it successful right at launch? Because the most important thing is crafting the right concept so your podcast will stand out. This is the most crucial, and often overlooked, steps out there!
In this class, I will walk you through the ideation process and help you come up with your unique concept, messaging, and branding so that you can launch a SUCCESSFUL and IMPACTFUL podcast!
See ya then!
Jessie Medina